Climate Change And Water Scarcity In India

Why Climate Change Is Causing Water Scarcity in India

Imagine a situation where there is no water. Sounds scary! The
country’s natural resources are under increasing pressure from population
explosion, reckless industrialization, improper management of rivers,
increasing urbanization, and inefficient water use.

Water crisis is a situation when there is more demand for
drinking water than supply. Climate change is causing a shift in the water
cycle. The hydrologic cycles comprising evaporation, precipitation, runoff, and
evaporation are critical for agriculture and forests, generating the runoff in
rivers and streams.

With temperatures soaring, the rate of evapotranspiration is
rising from the land, vegetation, and oceans. More evaporation means speedy
drying of water on the land. Unfortunately, it contributes to a higher amount
of moisture retention in the warmer atmosphere, eventually resulting in more
precipitation. Sadly, warmer climate results in more rainfall and less snow.
Higher amount of rainfall leads to an increased risk of flooding.

Since snow is a form of natural water storage, it is lost in the
process, further contributing to climate change. When the extra warm and moist
air cools down, it results in rainfall or snow. Thus, with a warmer world, we
can expect to receive a higher intensity and frequency of rain and snowstorms.

Unfortunately, some areas may bear the brunt of climate change
in India and experience less precipitation. With the rain seasons becoming
shorter, there is a higher likelihood of longer periods of severe drought. As a
result, the need for irrigation will increase, further increasing water
demands. This will trigger a vicious cycle of water scarcity.

The climate change-induced change in temperature and circulation
patterns is expected to alter the amount and intensity of precipitation. Some
areas are expected to get drier further and others will keep getting wetter.
Sadly, such precipitation projections are already a reality.

Statistics reveal that per capita availability of water has
dropped by 70 percent since 1950. According to the Indian Institute of Tropical
Meteorology, the hydrological cycle is expected to become more intense while
annual average rainfall will increase.


Natural disasters in India

Extreme rainfall and intensity is expected to increase in three
river basins by the end of the 21st century, with the Godavari basin likely to
register higher precipitation. There
 will be an increase in the intensity of daily rainfall. There could be extreme changes in the number of rainy days, with
the western Ganga basin predicted to experience decrease in rainfall. On the
other hand, the number of rainy days are expected to increase in the Godavari
and Krishna basins. 
Along the Sundarbans coast, the first signs of sea level rise
are already visible. This threatens to submerge the coastland and destroy the
Coastal cities and low-lying areas are showing signs of
increased erosion due to the gradual destruction of coral reefs and wetlands. 
Rising marine temperature has resulted in the bleaching of coral
reefs along the Indian coast.

Impact on Rural and Urban Life


climate change and water scarcity in india


Water shortage

The current water crisis situation is already forewarning you
about the effects of global warming and climate change on India’s water
resources. With water availability becoming less predictable, it poses a
serious threat to food security. The shifting rainfall and snowfall patterns
threaten to throw life in disarray and do extreme damage to agriculture.

Warming lakes and streams are a threat to the marine life and
aquatic organisms. Not to mention, it is beginning to devastate fisheries. In
fact, as runoff dumps sediments and contaminated water into streams, it
endangers wildlife. Some regions are experiencing severe droughts already while
others are inundated with flash flood. Drought is worsening the water scarcity
in India and adversely affecting health and productivity. Water-deprived rural
populations are forced to look for greener pastures where they can find a
constant supply of this lifeline.

While glaciers are retreating in the Himalayas and the Indian
monsoon is becoming more variable, it is having a profound impact on sea
levels. Rising sea levels, on the other hand, pose a serious threat to coastal
wetlands and communities that sustain on marine life. Fertilizer runoff into
water bodies can cause algae blooms, which threaten aquatic life. Sadly, the
problem is further worsened by warming water that is deprived of oxygen,
threatening the survival of fish.

More precipitation means an increased rate of snow melt and less
storage of water as snowpack. It also means drier conditions in urban areas
that rely on snowmelt for the replenishment of drinking water stores. Urban
communities are already starting to face water shortages due to the decline in

Chennai is faced with a severe water crisis. By 2030, Delhi and
Chennai are likely to lead the pack of cities that will run out of water.

If you believe statistics, Niti Aayog released a Composite Water
Management Index report in 2018 on 21 major cities of India, which are faced
with water crunch by 2020. Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Hyderabad face a
severe water crisis and could reach zero groundwater levels by then. Further,
the report alarms that 40% of the population will have no access to drinking
water by 2030. If this isn’t enough, at least 600 million people are starved of
water. Sadly, two lakh people are reported to lose their lives due to
inadequate access to water.

There are more alarming statistics to prove that water scarcity
in India is real. About 72% of districts in Maharashtra are hit by drought and
dependent on water tankers to villages and settlements.

The per capita availability of fresh water is estimated at about
2,000 m3 per year, which is expected to drop to 1000 m3 by 2025 due to increase
in the population coupled with no further augmentation of water resources.

Impact On Economy

The impact of constantly rising temperatures and climate change
in India may be felt more severely on the economy. Since the Indian economy is
primarily dependent on agriculture, water paucity and population explosion are
compounding the demands for food, fresh water, and energy. 
Sadly, conflicts between agricultural and domestic users and
industrialists will increase. Agriculture will be faced with a tough fight
against investors and industrialists. While farmers are facing water crisis
already, they will have to compete against factories, infrastructural projects,
and tourist resorts for water.

Water scarcity threatens severe economic implications. The
impact on businesses will be immense due to the exponential growth in the price
of water. Businesses will regard water access as competitive advantage to keep
a check on operating costs and staying competitive. 
The lack of water is likely to have a domino effect, resulting
in a decline of local commerce and tax revenue. This will further exacerbate
the situation, and incomes will go down, and unemployment rates will increase.

According to a World Bank report, climate change driven water
scarcity could cost some regions of the country about 6% of the GDP. Not only
this, such water crisis could spur migration and spark a water war. 
The World Bank report warns that unless India manages its water
crisis, the country stands to lose 6% of the GDP by 2050. By affecting
agriculture, income, and health, India’s water deficit can erode its economic

What Can Be Done To Rectify The Situation

India’s water situation is a stark reminder of how climate
change is affecting one of the most essential natural resources. 
Therefore, the current water scarcity scene in India deserves
special attention and management of dwindling resources. The establishment of
efficient water equipment and proactive steps can help reduce the wastage of
water resources.

Some successful initiatives in managing water crisis in India:
‘Mukhya Mantri Jal Swavlamban Abhiyan’ scheme has been launched with a mission
to ensure water conservation and harvesting in rural Rajasthan.
‘Jalyukt-Shivar’ scheme in Maharashtra aims to alleviate water scarcity in 5000
villages every year. The interlinking of rivers project has been in the
pipeline for over 20 years but there is still no hope from it as states are
unwilling to submit their authority over the river basins. Marathwada region of
Maharashtra has been starved of water for a long time. To deal with this water
crisis, the government has set up water ATMs, supplying water at 25 paise per

It would also help to set up minimum support price on crops that
consume a lot of water. Besides, local participation in water conservation can
play a big role in altering the face of the region. Hiware Bazar, a rural area
in the drought-prone district of Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, was water stressed
after its environmental degradation. 
Luckily, with local efforts and community support, the village
has turned itself into one of the most prosperous villages in India,
regenerating its natural resources and harvesting rain water. The village has
set up an example for the rest of the country to show how to harvest rainwater,
managing 300-400 mm of its annual rainfall.

The need of the hour is to conserve our natural resources and
keep a check on the rising temperatures due to the constant harm being done to
the environment. Sadly, this triggers a vicious cycle of global warming,
climate change, and water paucity. Water management holds the key to rescuing
billions of people from the looming water crisis.

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