Cheers to Sustainability: Alcohol’s Environmental Impact

Impact of alcohol

Global warming is becoming an acute problem and reducing its impact has been the central goal of most governments and organizations around the world.
With the climate change issue in mind, most of us have started thinking about what we consume today. There is however one sector that frequently escapes the notice of many and that is the manufacture of alcoholic drinks. As it is common knowledge that taking a drink during gatherings is normal, the overall procedure of alcohol manufacture can help to increase world warming. Knowledge of such effects can thereby enable consumers to make better decisions on ecological-friendlier options.

Cheers to Sustainability: Understanding Alcohol Environmental Impact

Energy Use in Production
The manufacturing of alcohol and especially spirits such as whiskey or vodka is one that requires energy. They include mainly the processes of fermentation, distillation, and packing of the end product which consumes many resources especially energy. However, if this energy is generated from fossil energy sources, the same releases a considerable amount of green house gases. For instance, distillation might be very energy intensive and forms a major fraction of the contribution to carbon footprint of a beverage.

In order to overcome this, many producers are slowly integrating use of renewable energy sources. When it comes to solar, wind, or biomass energy distilleries and breweries can dramatically decrease their emissions. They also can contribute to these efforts pointing consumers to brands that embrace sustainable energy practices.

Agricultural Practices
Even the agriculture applied for making ingredients for alcohol – beer from grains or wine from grapes has its own effects to the surroundings. It is a fact that the older model of farming practices such as tillage result in loss of soil cover, expansion of desertification and emission of gases that cause global warming. The applying of artificial fertilizers and pesticides emits nitrous oxide, a very effective greenhouse gas.

But there are changes towards the more sustainable ways of carrying out the agricultural activities. Chemical-free farming, intercropping and minimal ploughing can go along way in replenishing the soil and also check the gas emissions. Enabling only wineries and breweries that sources their inputs from within through sustainable means of farming, consumerism becomes an influential element in the promotion of sustainable means of farming.

Transportation Footprint
The target consumers of alcoholic beverages are generally located far from manufacturing companies henceforth the products have to be transported long distances. It is an unsavory addition to their particular carbon profile. The impact on the environment is however most pronounced in wines and spirits that have to be imported and this will involve transportation, transportation, and more transportation.

There is one way which can help to minimize this effect: Select locally produced beverages. The socioeconomic benefit that it fosters the local economy does not only encourage but reduce emission related to transportation. Most areas boast a multitude of local breweries and wineries that provide really good beer and wine, thus being able to make the right choices on what is better for the environment is not very difficult.

Waste Management
There are a lot of wastes produced in alcohol production starting from the organic wastes from the raw materials, the bottles and cartons used in packing. If not well dealt with this type of waste can result in methane production which is a GHG that is way much powerful than CO2.

Appropriate measures for the management of waste are very crucial in reducing the above emissions. Most of the producers are currently adopting recycling programs and managing organic waste with the use of composting, thus practicing circular economy. Consumers can promote these practices by purchasing products from companies that practice the sustainable business practices.

The Environmental Challenges of Alcohol Production

What Can You Do?
Choose Local: A good example is buying and consuming locally brewed wines to cut on the emission of greenhouse gases through transportation and also help the producers in your region.

Support Sustainable Brands: One should choose products from firms that utilize renewable energy in the production processes and sustainably farm the raw materials.

Moderate Consumption: Cutting down the general alcohol intake is healthy to the human body, and it also lowers the pressure on the market.

Educate Yourself and Others: Disseminate information on the effects of alcohol production to the environment and come up with ways of ensuring that the companies act responsibly.

As for having a drink as an addition to social activities, people have to think about the impact they make on the environment. That only means, if we choose to be knowledgeable we can be mindful in choosing our favorite drinks without harming our environment. The next time you toast a glass of wine or a beer, think of how you can make things greener – cheers.

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