Global warming Updates | Global warming | Climate change

Recent developments regarding global warming updates point to important developments and challenges one

Global warming Updates | Global warming | Climate change

Temperature increase: Human-caused global warming updates has reached unprecedented levels of 0.26°C on average per decade.

This acceleration is driven by higher greenhouse gas emissions – ( – which currently emit approximately 53 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. As a result, 2023 was the warmest year on record, and forecasts indicate that temperatures (CO2.Earth) could be reached or exceeded in 2024.

El Niño impact: Ongoing El Niño is expected to increase global temperatures by mid-2024. This is due to the trade-off between the peak of El Niño and the peak of the global temperature field. But the possibility of a La Niña transition later this year could relieve some of the pressure – (CO2.Earth) – (ScienceDaily) –

Antarctic Ice and Melt Water: Recent research shows that the Antarctic ice shelf has twice as much melt water as previously thought. The discovery shows the weakness of these glaciers and their potential to influence sea level rise if they continue to melt – (Science Daily). 

Climate and Weather Models: Advanced climate models now extend El Niño forecasts out to 18 months, providing better predictive power for weather-related events. The model also shows that precipitation patterns could change northward, which could have a major impact on the world’s climate and agriculture – (Science Daily) -.

Environmental and social impacts: The rapid development of climate change affects many ecosystems and human societies. For example, record droughts are occurring in the Amazon rainforest, and marine heatwaves are destroying marine life such as red Gorgon corals in the Medes Islands – (right) -.

Mitigation measures: Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced to find a solution to rapid warming. Scientists have highlighted the need for new national decisions (NDCs) for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – ( – aimed at reducing emissions and adapting to climate change.

Overall, these updates highlight the importance of global efforts to combat climate change and the need for urgent and sustained action to reduce its impacts.

Global Temperature And Global warming updates 


             1.17 °C 2.11 °F

This graph shows changes in global temperature compared to the long-term average temperature between 1951 and 1980. NASA’s analysis is based primarily on independent observations from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other research groups. Overall, global temperatures in 2023 will be about 2.45 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 1.36 degrees Celsius) warmer than the pre-industrial average of the late 19th century (1850-1900). The last decade was the hottest on record.

The animation on the right shows changes in global temperature. Dark blue indicates areas with below average temperatures. Dark red indicates areas with above-average temperatures. A 5-year average was used in this chart to make short-term changes more visible.

The information shown is the latest and is updated annually.

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