Global warming weakness in word wide

Global warming weakness in word wide

Climate Change difficult Global warming weakness in word wide

  • Promoting Political and Economic Agendas: Lots of times Countries protect the environment due to their political as well as economic interests. This in turn leads to industries most reliant on fossil fuels opposing very strong climate change policies, resulting in a stalemate.
  • Cooperation between nations: This is a global problem, so it requires cooperation among all countries. Because we have different systems global warming, differences in global economic developments and things like that it is a hard thing so find an agreement to on how would be treated.
  • Economic Disparities – Developed countries can typically afford the technology, while it may be more difficult for developing nations to allocate resources toward addressing climate change. They might want some fast economic benefits rather than the sustainability of an environment over a long period.
  • Public Awareness and Engagement: Not everyone totally gets the urgency that might be on its way with global warming. Additionally, climate change deniers make things worse end up further reputation.
  • Technology problems Changing : to renewable energy and designing new technology that contribute less greenhouse gas emissions is expensive and complex. It not only cost a lot but necessitated invention.
  • Lack of regulatory and policy coherence: Policies differ from country to country, region to region leading to gaps that render the entire system inefficient in responding it. How do we balance the human part of buying and selling services while preventing financial risk (and bankruptcies) at all levels among countries?
  • Politicians and businesses : target short-term profits Short Term Vs. Take a long-term view: Since most climate change policies take time to have an effect (usually years), this causes tension among governments, which ultimately results in voter trends as it may affect some soon but others would not benefit for many terms of office
  • Natural variability: The climate is a big, complex system and because of this the impact humans have on global temperature can so easily be lost in noise. of Global warming
  • Technologies: for managing all resources-land, forests and farmland-are vital instruments to address climate change. However, there is a serious problem of overuse and poor management with some resources.
  • The need for mitigation AND adaptation Mitigation : is essential but so too helping adapt to the climate change that is already occurring. It is expensive and logistically complex to create resilient cities in vulnerable places.

Such gaps cannot be closed by one country, actor or sector alone: all governments and businesses need to play their proportions and individuals.

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